17 Aug
17 Aug
9:30 a.m.
Dear TSC Members, Please join our regular monthly meeting on Thursday, the meeting information has been updated on the calendar as follows: Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/96621656090?pwd=TzBmZzZMZGNuTVlyN3REZWhFUDRWQT09 Meeting ID: 966 2165 6090 Passcode: 621599 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ac7Hb555hn We will go over the recent v1..3 release and v1.4 minor release. Please feel free to suggest any items you would like to add. -- Zhipeng (Howard) Huang Principle Engineer OpenStack, Kubernetes, CNCF, LF Edge, ONNX, Kubeflow, OpenSDS, Open Service Broker API, OCP, Hyperledger, ETSI, SNIA, DMTF, W3C