Hi Xiaoquan,


This is a very good idea. I used google calendar for the MindSpore TSC meetings, I think the SIGs could also setup calendar invitations which makes it more easily to track.


发件人: Xiaoquan Kong [mailto:u1mail2me@gmail.com]
发送时间: 2020515 23:38
收件人: huangzhipeng <huangzhipeng@huawei.com>
抄送: mindspore-discuss@mindspore.cn
主题: Re: [MindSpore-discuss] [Sig-ModelZoo]ModelZoo SIG Meeting 16 May Agenda


Hi all,

Maybe we can add a calendar event file (.ics) that will make it easier for participants to attend the meeting on time.


Xiaoquan Kong


huangzhipeng via MindSpore-discuss <mindspore-discuss@mindspore.cn> 2020515日周五 下午10:42写道:

Hi all,


Please find the agenda and meeting logistics for tomorrow morning 0930 (UTC+8)’s ModelZoo SIG meeting as follows


  • Discuss the submission template of deep learning models in model zoo

Conference links


  • Ying Jiangyong (Huawei)
  • Cao Jiewen (Huawei)
  • Guo Qi (Huawei)
  • Chen Haozhe (Huawei)
  • Liu Liyan (Huawei)


  • To be added

Action items

  • None


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