Thanks Steven for making great contribution in MindSpore community, and congratulations for Ms. Wei on the new position.
BRs, Leon
发件人: Dingjian (Steven) via MindSpore-discuss [] 发送时间: 2020年6月15日 9:49 收件人: 抄送: Dingcheng (Henry, Distributed and Parallel Software Laboratory) 主题: [MindSpore-discuss] [SIG-graph compiler]Promote Wei Luning as new leader of this SIG
Considering that we have made good progress in graph compiler module, I will shift the focus from SIG-graph compiler to overall architecture and other new features of MindSpore.
I would like to nominate Ms. Wei Luning as the new leader of SIG-graph compiler, who is one of the core members that designed the compiler system and developed the prototype of MindExpression.
Ding Jian