Dear MindSpore Members, This is a kind reminder for our first MindSpore DX - SIG meeting on 2021 Mar 23 19:00 (UTC+08:00). 


The Developer eXperience Special Interest Group (DX - SIG) is responsible for improving the experience of those who upstream contribute or develop applications for MindSpore community.


The subject of the conference is :



1 - MindSpore comments network analysis and core developers recognition



2 - PR process improvement and tools requirement



3 - Label-reminder - A robot for reminding developer to add issue labels

Label-reminder bot插件方案及代码评审



We use WeLink-Zoom for this meeting. Click
 then follow the instruction to download Zoom (if you haven’t installed) and join the meeting. You can also join the meeting by meeting ID 738908889


The calendar invitation has been updated as well.



Li Zi (Clement Li @ Gitee)