Dear MindSpore Members, This is a kind reminder for our MindSpore DX - SIG meeting on 2021 Apr 27 19:00 (UTC+08:00). The Developer eXperience Special Interest Group (DX - SIG) is responsible for improving the experience of those who upstream contribute or develop applications for MindSpore community. The subject of the conference is : ��ǰ�������£� 1 - MindSpore Developer Kanban (Routine) -- Zhaoboxuan MindSpore����������ָ����ܼ����壨�������������� 2 �C Dashboard development details -- Zhaoboxuan ����ƽ̨������չ 3 �C Issue participants recommendation prototype �C Xiawenzong ���ڱ�ǩѵ����Issue�������Զ��Ƽ�ԭ�ͷ������� 4 - OpenSource Playground 2 �C Mentorship �C Clement Li/Zhaoboxuan һ���濪Դ2 �C �����һ��������ʦ 5 - TODO �������������������߷������Լ����������⡣ We use WeLink-Zoom for this meeting. Click https://welink-meeting.zoom.us/j/821568025 then follow the instruction to download Zoom (if you haven��t installed) and join the meeting. You can also join the meeting by meeting ID 738908889 The calendar invitation has been updated as well. Thanks, Li Zi (Clement Li @ Gitee)